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Giants Rising

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A journey into the heart of America’s most iconic forests, GIANTS RISING reveals the secrets and the saga of the coast redwoods—the tallest and among the oldest living beings on Earth. It’s an epic tale that explores the wonders of these silent giants and our dramatic, ever-evolving relationship with them. Living links to the past, redwoods also hold powers that may play a role in our future, including their ability to withstand fire and capture carbon, to offer clues about longevity, and even to enhance our own well-being. How do they do it —and how will redwoods keep working their magic as they’re pushed to their limits?

Through the voices of biologists, artists, Native peoples and others racing to understand and safeguard these trees, GIANTS RISING reveals the scientific wonders of redwoods, our deep cultural ties to them, and efforts to help these iconic forests overcome the legacy of logging that nearly wiped them out. It’s a story that offers lessons about resilience and connection, and the promise of solutions that will help us ALL rise up from the past and face the challenges that lay ahead.

  • Year:
  • Runtime:
    81 minutes
  • Country:
    United States
  • Director:
    Lisa Landers